Friday, February 13, 2009

Keeping it simple

What happens when we make the job seem too hard for a mere politician?
I mean hopefully they trust us and they don't presume to know; but you know what it's like -they start thinking they do know, and they start listening to only those who agree with them. All goes well for a time.
In those dangerous times when the fire hits the fan and they don't know who to trust; fearing the naked emperor in the mirror, what can you do to get them to listen ?( you can blog of course thanks blogger)
Consider B victorian government after for years ignoring warnings they were building holocaust : denial leads them to dismiss danger and appropriate planning measures in just the same way as many who were't really ready for what happened last Saturday on the northern slopes of dangerland near Kinglake. Parallel paradigms.

Its all too hard when you not only have to know the stuff( or know someone who knows someone- more likely) but you have to be a communication guru as well .

1 comment:

  1. Today 2 March 2009 5 million mobile phone users in Victoria get a SMS reminding them that wind speeds will be very high, as will fire danger. SMS 's could be very useful in the future but how do you make sure it really helps( eg stay or escape)and is not treated as generalized "cry wolf"
